Should You Apply Face Oil Before Or After Moisturizer?
You probably should know by now the importance of moisturizing the skin cannot be undermined regardless of skin type. However, before you apply skin moisture, it is important to consider the skincare products you’re applying on your skin. But have you ever considered if you are applying the right order? Do you wonder if face oil can be a substitute for moisturizer or maybe face oil should be applied before moisturizer? You can only know this if you understand how the rule of skincare layer works which will be discussed below.
The Skincare Layering Rule
Each skin care product comes with its own atomic structure. The way the toners, serum, and cream applied solely depends on the products such as the thickness, viscosity, and other properties that are included in the product.
Take, for instance; it is not ideal to apply a toner after using a moisturizer, it will crack down your cream or lotion. To apply skincare better, apply from the thinnest to the thickest while the final layers enhance your skin. Depending on the product you’re applying and the formulation of the product, you should follow this prescribed skincare layer steps to get the best out of your skin:
- Toner / Essence / Ampule / Face mist
- Serum / Face oil (Light Formula)
- Moisturizer / Face oil (Rich Formula)
If you notice the steps mentioned above, you will realize that face oil is always used after a water-based product like toner or essence, so that your skin can get the nutrients more efficiently. This is the best step to follow when applying skincare products. Check to find out how to choose the right face oil for your skin.
Can You Use Face Oil as A Moisturizer?
Face oil and moisturizer exist separately for their own purposes whenever you’re applying during your skincare routine. However, not all face oil are equal, some serve the purpose of moisture intensity on dry skin, while the others are designed to slow down the aging process and reduce inflammation, if you look for a multi-correctional face oil, check out Revitalisé Organic Face Oil from La Coéss. It is always advisable to use both in your skincare routine. You can also add a few drops of face oil to your moisturizer if you want to skip these two steps.
When to Use Face Oil? Morning, Night, or Both?
The application of moderate face oil depends on your skin because the skin generates its own oil or sebum during the day at a different speed. A skin that generates its oil will require less face oil. This is true because if you have oily or combination skin, more sebum will be produced during the day.
Your skin follows a daily cycle of sebum creation as outlined below:
- Sebum secretion rate occurs during night and morning
- During the afternoon, the skin is oily
- Sebum secretion decreases from afternoon and night
- Sebum secretion is minimal by evening before sleeping
The conclusion is that face oils are best used daily when they’re most easily absorbed — at night.
But if your skin is dry, adding a little face oil mix to the foundation of your morning routine makeup will be beneficial. Applying face oil during your morning and afternoon makeup routine will enhance your skin condition because dry skin doesn’t make enough sebum, and apply some face oil may improve the overall condition of your skin.
3 Tips for Applying Face oil
In the course of discussing how to apply face oil, there are steps you can use as a guide which will help you achieve the best in the right direction when applying face oil. Below are three tips to keep in mind:
Do not rub your face oil on your skin, unlike the moisturizer which you are allowed to; rather, use your fingers and palms to spread and pat the oil onto your face.
Face oil is filled with ingredients that are rich in skin nutrients and ultra-nourishing, little application means a lot. Just a few drops are enough to cover your whole face, but if you deem it necessary, you can apply more. However, don’t go overboard with your face oil.
You can also use it to treat a spot or little inflammation on your dry skin when you’re about applying it in the morning and in the night. You can also apply during the day on any area of your skin if there is a need a little extra moisture and nourishment.
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Originally published at on September 24, 2020.